My Javascript App Corner

Welcome to my new page of Javascript apps. In this webpage I want to present you some recent experiment of browser app development using HTML5 + CSS3 + Javascript. The process is very different from the usual ones when I develop Python or Java apps. I tried use very few Javascript templates so that I can learn how to interact with the HTML elements through the script. The webpage outlook is also chosen to be as responsive as possible to accommodate browser with different size.

I also experiment different Javascript techniques such as on-demand running, API call and calling non-JS-node library for visualization. Indeed the browser app development is a very deep topic that one can spend a long time to master. In any case, this page stores some interesting results I have done during the last week.


sample result of App5: Gravity simulator
sample result of App5: Gravity simulator
(left) Sample result of the N-body simulation using 400 particles. The particles start with randomly assigned position and velocity with a zero center-of-mass velocity. (right) They gradually gather and form structure with the help of gravity.